Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Student Story: Dallas Holeyfield

My name is Dallas Holeyfield, and I am a current student at Pikes Peak Prep. I simply cannot put into words how thankful I am to be a part of this school, and to have a chance at free college credits. I started here last year and ever since I have been here my education has sky rocketed. Two years ago at a public middle school I got into trouble and always received a poor grade in every class. Now I am a sophomore at PPP. I haven’t received lower than an 80% the whole time I have been at this school! To add to that, I haven’t received one referral and because of my grades and behavior I plan to attend the college program next year. At this school I have received an exponential more amount of 1-on-1 teacher student time which has greatly aided in my studies. Now I have an Ipad to help me gather information quicker and even study without the use of a computer. The dress code allows me to give off a more professional outlook on people and myself. If I had never come to this school my education would probably not carry me far in my life, but now I am confident that when I graduate I will have enough skills to dominate any college I am interested in. Thanks to Pikes Peak Prep, I will prove to be a productive citizen in the American society.

-Dallas Holeyfield

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