Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Letter From Our Principal

Dear Pikes Peak Prep Soaring Eagles families and community members—

It's hard to believe it is that time of the year again - the beginning of a new school year. I am honored to be the principal of Pikes Peak Prep, and welcome both our returning families and those who are joining our school community for the first time. Exciting changes are happening at Pikes Peak Prep. Our enrollment has grown to over 350 from kindergarten to 12th grade, and with growth come additional resources that benefit all students. I am excited to be able to tell you about our new facilities, programs, and staff:

 PARDEN OUR DUST! – As you may have already seen, our physical campus is growing with the addition of 16 modular classrooms, which will be used primarily for secondary classes and programs. We want to thank The Classical Academy, who donated the modulars and The Assistance League for granting us use of their lot across from our school. We’d like to add special thanks to Chuck Murphy and Murphy Construction for all their logistical support. All of these are positive indicators of growth and continued improvement, and I am truly excited about what the future holds for Pikes Peak Prep.

CLASSROOMS - We have expanded to two kindergarten and two first grade classes, and the classrooms for grades K-4 will remain in the south wing. The north wing will house grades 5 and 6, Art, Technology, and secondary Math and Science. English, Social Studies, and Music are moving into our new modular classrooms. Thanks to a generous donation of Nautilus equipment from Karen Marley, professor of Exercise Science at CSUPueblo, we are also able to open a new weight training and fitness center in one of our modular classrooms. A new workshop for Engineering and 3D Art will be opened in another modular classroom.

You are all invited to come to school for our new event called ―Preflight—a meet-the-teachers Ice Cream Social on Thursday, August 9 from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

TECHNOLOGY UPGRADE - We are updating technology school-wide, including new computer lab desktops that will support engineering and technology instruction and mobile laptops for graphic design and on-line testing. We will also have a class set of netbook computers with wireless internet connectivity in each academic classroom from third grade up, providing one-to-one instructional technology.

SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING MATH (STEM) FOCUS GRADES 9-12 - Along with the new technology we are implementing a strong STEM--Science Technology Engineering and Math--curriculum focus in at the secondary level, including Project Lead The Way™, a nationally-recognized engineering education program. All 7th and 8th eighth grade students will be scheduled for a Computer Technology applications course to ensure they are all equipped with the 21st Century skills colleges and employers demand, and this course is also offered as an elective choice for high school students.

EXCITING NEW ELECTIVE CHOICES FOR GRADES 9-12 - For the first time at Pikes Peak Prep, students in grades 9-12 have a choice of elective classes. Thanks to our new modular classrooms, access to an internetbased curriculum called E2020, technology upgrades and increased enrollment, we are able to offer some exciting new classes, including:

Project Lead The Way™ Introduction to Engineering Design
3D Animation and Game Design
2D and 3D Art

Graphic Design
Physical Fitness and Conditioning
On-line language classes in French, German, Latin, Spanish and Chinese

NEW STAFF - All of our new teachers have extensive experience in education and the professional world—a talented, dedicated, collaborative, caring, tech-savvy team. They are completely committed to ensuring your children meet and exceed learning standards, to preparing them for the Early College Program, and to supporting our positive, academically-rich, student-centered culture.
We also want to welcome Mr. Brian Humphries, our new Assistant Principal. Mr. Humphries will be overseeing discipline, co-curricular and extracurricular activities, Service Learning, and testing. He is also initiating our new positive behavior support program--―EAGLE : Enthusiasm Accountability Generosity Leadership Excellence.‖

NEW PARENT AND COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER – Our new Parent and Community Resource Center
(PCRC) is a place where families can access a range of support resources, including academic and learning support programs, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement. It will be a place to get information, attend seminars, meet other parents, find community resources, become an active member of PTO, schedule your volunteer hours, and receive clothing, food, and school supply assistance.

In closing, I want to thank you for your support and encourage you to fully embrace the moment. Your children receive the
best education when you and our dedicated teachers work as a team. It's a parent’s enthusiasm, support and involvement that inspire children to do their best. Together we can achieve wonderful things. We are committed to our mission of preparing every student for college and success in the 21st Century. At Pikes Peak Prep ―All Roads Lead To College.‖ Thank you for your support, and your commitment to your child's education. I look forward to seeing you in the very near future.

Let’s Go Soaring Eagles!

Warm regards,

Dawn M. Nelson

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