Dear Pikes Peak Prep Community:
The winter season is upon us. We recently made a decision to have a two-hour delay last Monday, December 5. Although we made this decision on Sunday night and had it scrolling on all the TV stations it was confusing because we did not follow District 11. I am so sorry for any confusion that resulted due to our decision.
I am hoping to avoid this type of confusion in the future. There are times that we may NOT follow District 11. We understand that to open or close schools in bad weather has a big effect on families. We also understand that our students are better served, both academically and socially, by being in school.
However, our top priority is the safety of our students. Many times conditions improve within a couple of hours. With this in mind, Pikes Peak Prep will occasionally have a two-hour delay. This allows time for work crews or the weather to improve. Sometimes a two-hour delay may be announced, but because conditions have not improved as expected, the schools may close. Be sure to check back with the TV, or call us at 570-7575 ext. Please be advised that if Pikes Peak Prep is announced as closed, that is a final decision and will not be changed.
How do we make our decision?
We make the decision to close or delay school in bad weather based on a careful analysis
of all relevant factors, including:
- Information on road conditions from transportation staff and other local officials.
- Amount of snow and ice accumulation.
- Lack of electricity/heat in buildings.
- Temperature and wind chill. Some of our students walk to school
- Weather predictions.
- Decision of neighboring districts.
How is the public notified?
Local TV stations for up-to-date information on school closings and the Pikes Peak Prep Website, or call 570-7575 ext. 1. When is the decision made?
The decision must be made by approximately 6:00 AM or earlier so we can notify TV stations, and staff.
Can the decision to stay open be reversed?
Keep in mind, even if weather conditions worsen, we cannot reverse our decision in the morning without endangering students. Once we make the decision to open the school many parents rely on our decision and leave for work.
Although we do our absolute best in this process, we know that often no perfect decision exists. If you feel that it is unsafe for your child to attend school, use your best judgment on whether he or she should attend. We hope this explanation helps everyone understand the process our staff uses to make the best possible decision for everyone in our school.
Thank you and best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season.
Monica Ramey
Director of Operations / Co-Principal
Pikes Peak Prep
719-570-7575 ext. 3159